
Ron Apgar is an American artist, painter, and therapist. His works have been featured in exhibits nationally and also numerous solos exhibits in Denver, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, New York City and Aspen.

 He also donates 5 to 6 paintings per year to philanthropy organizations.  Some of his collectors include the country western singer Toby Keith, the actor Adam Quinn and Peter Boyle. Ron’s collectors include numerous individuals nationally as well as internationally. The Warehouse gallery in Colorado Springs currently exhibits his work; he also has his studio gallery in Colorado Springs. Apgar has a special collection of Pikes Peak and Garden of the Gods currently featured at the Garden of the Gods Club and Resort.

Apgar loved to draw as a child and his parents gave him the choice of painting or piano lessons and Apgar chose painting classes. Apgar’s first realized that painting could be his career when he was enrolled at San Diego State University, he graduated with a bachelors degree in the fine arts; he has completed three graduate degrees in Psychology and Theology. Apgar has found a balance between Art and Psychology that has been implemented in his career. He has been asked to present in Denver on the subject of Art and Psychology and in Santa Fe. Apgar is starting new programs that will blend art and psychology at the Apgar Center and Studio Art located at 302 East Uintah, Colorado Springs, CO 80903.  

The program Apgar will be introducing is “The Blank Canvas”

The Blank Canvas customized services allow organizations to explore the creative side of their employees improving self confidence, work relationships, productivity and performance, problem solving, and to emphasize supportive team work. The Blank Canvas will interactively engage employees and staff with a format that will enable your organization to:

  • Engage in a dynamic process of painting and building team work throughout your organization.
  • Create solutions specific to your unique companies needs.
  • Build a collaborative relationship with your employees that is uplifting and productive and creatively engaging combining  art and psychology

Apgar learned about artists such as Diego Rivera, Andy Warhol, Jackson Polak, Georgio Keef, Degas, Monet among other artists, and has traveled extensively.

After college, Apgar completed murals in Guatemala, while preserving Inca art. He also launched his first profound exhibit in Taos, New Mexico. He continues to paint full time and also has a full-time practice in psychology where he continues to find his balance in life and with this blend.

Apgar has an extensive exhibition record. Paintings by Apgar are represented with collectors internationally and nationally.